How AI Language Models can Enhance or Impede Communication for AAC Users

Computer scientists and artificial intelligence investigators working for Google Research collaborated with specialists in communication sciences and disorders at the University College of London and at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Institute of Health Professions to investigate incorporating chatbot technologies – such as OpenAI’S ChatGPT – into Speech Generating Devices for AAC technology users. They focused on…

Design considerations for aphasia rehabilitation technologies

Aphasia researchers from Lingraphica, Vanderbilt University, and Nevada State College have collaborated on a study of factors affecting the therapeutic engagement decisions and success patterns of a person with moderate Broca’s aphasia and severe apraxia of speech engaged in autonomous practice of stimulated word repetition. The researchers were interested in particular in: [1] effects of…

Effects of melodic intonation therapy in patients with chronic nonfluent aphasia

Researchers from the Departments of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have published a study of how persons with large left-hemisphere lesions and chronic non-fluent aphasia respond – behaviorally and neuroplastically – to intensive Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT). The goals of this proof-of-concept study are to characterize – following…

Understanding the impact of group therapy on health-related quality of life of people with aphasia Researchers from three disciplines at Canada’s University of Alberta – Speech-Language Pathology, Physical Therapy, and Nursing – studied the effects of participation in group therapy on the health-related quality of life in persons with aphasia. The goals were to establish, on the basis of a scoping review of published research, current evidence regarding 2…

Applying adaptive distributed practice to self-managed computer-based anomia treatment: a single-case experimental design.

Researchers from Northwestern University’s Center for Education in Health Sciences and the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders studied therapeutic effects of a computer-based application for self-managed practice of verbal naming in two persons with moderate chronic aphasia. Flashcard software was used to present either a drawing or a written description of…

A Systematic Review of Maintenance Following Intensive Therapy Programs in Chronic Post-stroke Aphasia: Importance of Individual Response Analysis

Researchers working at Universities in Australia and Germany have published a systematic review of outcome improvements and maintenance patterns in persons with chronic aphasia following completion of intensive aphasia therapy programs. The primary goals of review were to: [1] investigate individual response patterns and rates across six common outcome measures upon program completion; and [2]…

Cognitive-Linguistic Outcomes from an Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program

Faculty in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Departments at the University of Montana (UMT) and Utah State University have published a study of cognitive and linguistic outcomes of intensive comprehensive aphasia programs (ICAPs) for people with aphasia (PWA) in the chronic stage, implemented by graduate student in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP). Using graduate students lowers ICAP…

Reviewing Changes to Approaches to Aphasia Diagnosis and Long-Term Management

An aphasia researcher from Chapman University’s Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, together with a colleague from Johns Hopkins University’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, have published an article that reviews changes in approaches to diagnosing aphasia over the past several decades, as well as the evolution which has taken place during that time…

Detecting Evoked Potentials for Language Processing

In January 2021, Prof. Stephen M. Wilson – a neuroscientist in Vanderbilt University’s Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences – launched The Language Neuroscience Podcast series, devoting individual episodes to probing, informative one-hour interviews with leading investigators across the globe about their research into the neuroanatomy and the neurophysiology of human language.